Thursday, December 29, 2011

Baby in a Manger cupcakes

For our MOPS birthday party for Jesus, I made some manger cupcakes. In an effort to save time, I decided to use plastic babies which are not the cutest things on the block... It worked.

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Louis Vuitton Purse: Birthday Cake

This was a request for a 20th birthday on Christmas Eve. I feel for the birthday girl, being a Dec 19th birthday myself.. I hope you enjoyed your Louis Vuitton, Brittany!!

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Nutcracker on Ice Centerpeice Cake

I was asked to create a centerpiece for the cast party/reception for the Nutcracker on Ice (which my daughters both performed in). The theme colors were hot pink, turquoise and purple. I decided on a Nutcracker popping out of a cake decorated with skates and candies. 
It was quite humorous to watch the skaters taking turns taking their picture with the cake!

My skaters with the Nutcracker

Dolphin Cake

My daughter Faith requested a dolphin this year for her 6th birthday. She also wanted some bright colored fish and some sparkly fish. She is typically quite random with her requests each year and this was no exception!